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The College of Engineering at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa has a selective admissions process for both Undergraduate and Graduate level programs.



After acceptance to the University, a secondary set of College of Engineering specific admissions requirements must be met to be accepted directly into one of the declared engineering major programs. See the high school and transfer admissions requirements below.
Have Questions? Contact a CoE academic advisor or CoE peer advisor.

High School Admissions Requirements

The high school admissions requirements apply to students who have 23 or less college credits completed or in-progress. The College of Engineering reviews the student’s records for evidence of high academic performance (typically B’s or better) in relevant math and sciences like the following courses completed or in-progress during the senior year.

  • Calculus (preferred) or Trigonometry/Precalculus
  • Chemistry
  • Physics
  • The College may also uses aptitude tests and high school records in its screening procedure.

How to Apply: Prospective students currently finishing up high school or with 0-23 college credits earned or in-progress should apply as Freshmen through the UH Mānoa Admissions website.

Transfer Admissions Requirements

The transfer admissions requirements apply to students who have 24 or more college credits completed or in-progress. The College of Engineering requires the successful completion of the following or their equivalents:

  • Eng 100 – English Composition I
  • Math 241 and Math 242 – Calculus I and Calculus II
  • Chem 161/161L and 162 or Chem 171/171L – General Chemistry I and II with one lab or Accelerated/Engineering Chemistry with lab
  • Phys 170/170L, Calculus-based Physics (Mechanics) with lab
  • An overall GPA of 3.0 or higher

How to Apply: Prospective college students applying into UHM from another college/university who have 24 or more college credits earned or in-progress should apply as Transfer Students through the UH Mānoa Admissions website.

Current UHM Students (changing majors within UHM)

Current UHM students requesting to declare into an engineering major are held to the above Transfer Admissions Requirements.
How to Apply: Schedule an Advising Appointment with an advisor in the CoE Student Academic Services (SAS) office ( to discuss application and curriculum. Students who decide to change their major to engineering or pre-engineering will need to fill out the Transfer Request Form.

Schedule Appointment

Acceptance to Pre-Engineering Major

Students seeking their first bachelor degree who do not meet the High School or Transfer Student Admissions Requirements may be accepted to the Pre-Engineering major.

  • Pre-Engineering major students are a part of the College of Engineering
  • Work on the curriculum of the intended engineering major
  • Academic advising with an engineering advisor
  • Access and Notification of all engineering events/opportunities/facilities
  • Access to the 100 and 200 lvl engineering courses for which the student meet prerequisites (all engineering 300 level and above are major restricted, CEE/ME 271 and ME 213 preference given to declared students)
  • Once student has met Transfer Admissions Requirements they may apply to declare their intended engineering major.

How to Declare: Declaring from Pre-Engineering to the intended Engineering Major requires the successful completion of Transfer Admissions Requirements and submission of the Transfer Request Form to the Student Academic Services (SAS) office,

Second Bachelor Degree Students

Second bachelor degree students are defined as students who have previously earned a bachelor degree and are applying for another bachelor degree. (This is not the same as a double major or multiple major student. If you are a current UHM student interested in applying to do a multiple major with your current major and an engineering major please see the Current UHM Students Section above.)

  • Second degree students who meet the Transfer Admissions Requirements will be admitted to their requested engineering major.
  • Second degree students who do not meet the Transfer Students Admissions Requirements cannot be accepted to Pre-Engineering due to University policy and may either attend UHM as an undeclared post-baccalaureate student or attend a UH community college to complete the Transfer Admissions Requirements and then reapply to the engineering major.

How to Apply: Prospective second bachelor degree students should apply as 2nd Bachelor Students through the UH Mānoa Admissions website.




If you are applying to the MS or PhD programs please visit the appropriate department website for specific requirements and information on the application process.

Have Questions? Students interested in or have questions about applying for the MS or PhD programs should contact the respective Graduate Department Chairperson (contact listed on the specific department websites above).

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