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Students getting ready to pose for a photo.Holmescoming

In 2008, the Engineering Alumni Association of the University of Hawai‘i initiated an annual “Holmescoming” event – a play on “homecoming” using the name of the engineering hall, Holmes Hall – as part of the College’s 100th year celebration. The purpose of the event is to welcome back alumni and bring together alumni, friends, supporters, faculty, staff, and students of the college on the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa campus.

Each year, over 700 guests gather in the fall to enjoy culinary creations by award-winning local chefs. The homecoming committee is comprised of College alums.


People sitting at a table.Annual College Banquet

Started in 2000 as the major fundraising event for the College of Engineering, the annual College banquet has grown by leaps and bounds over the years, with attendees averaging 700 guests. Held each year in the spring and organized by the banquet committee comprised of College alumni, this exciting event includes guest speakers addressing critical and timely topics such as “Engineering in Big Science” and “Engineering: Entrepreneurship” as well as award presentations for Distinguished Alumni and Outstanding Service. Over the course of the night, current UH Mānoa engineering students get the unique opportunity to showcase their research and senior design projects.

Proceeds from the evening’s festivities are earmarked to benefit current and prospective UH Mānoa engineering students.


Golfers posing for a photo.Golf Tournament

EAAUH holds an annual golf tournament to provide scholarships for engineering freshmen. Six scholarships are given annually (two per discipline). The tournament is usually held in July. The 34th annual tournament, which started before EAAUH was formally established, was marked in 2011.


For dates to upcoming alumni events, please see the college’s event calendar.

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