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Mandatory advising is required each semester for all current UHM engineering students.

Registration Holds placed if advising is not completed by deadline!

Read the current year COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING UNDERGRADUATE HANDBOOK for important information on academic policies, prereqs, registration issues, general education requirements, and graduation.

Mandatory Advising: March 25, 2025 – April 9, 2025
See Steps to Complete Mandatory Advising section below.  View VIDEO: How to complete mandatory advising.

Holds placed: April 9 (complete advising to avoid hold or to have hold removed)

Registration begins between April 14 -18 for continuing students in order by earned credits (starting with seniors).
Your exact registration start time/date will be shown in STAR GPS starting March 25.

Class availability viewable on March 25:
Class availability shows all classes being offered at each UH system campus. Also includes class information like seat availability, CRN, dates/times, location, instructor, and general education designation (like FG, WI, HAP, etc).

Who is your Advisor and how do you contact them?

  • An engineering major advisor is a professor from your major department assigned to declared engineering students for mandatory advising.
  • A engineering peer advisor is an engineering upperclassman in the College of Engineering Student Academic Services Office assigned to pre-engineering students for mandatory advising. They can also help to generally answer all engineering students questions. Email: ; Walk-In Zoom: Kiosk & Hours
  • A college academic advisor is an professional advisor in the College of Engineering Student Academic Services Office assigned to pre-engineering students for mandatory advising. They also would handle all students’ Financial Aid, Veteran Affairs, ROTC, Minor, Exchange Program forms (engineering major advisors cannot sign these). Email:
  • Your Assigned Advisor for mandatory advising name and email address are provided on the CoE Advising Website: They may have posted instructions on the CoE Advising site about how to set up an advising meeting. Otherwise, you can email them about how to set up an advising meeting.

What do you discuss during mandatory advising with your advisor?

  • Your current courses and next courses
  • Prerequisites and Fall/Spring only courses
  • Discrepancies on your records (list them in discrepancies box on the advising sheet)
  • Design Project courses
  • Career and Research interests/questions
  • Choosing a track or concentration (officially request track on CoE advising site)
    • Civil Engineering required choice of track – General, Structures, or Sustainability
      (decide by/during junior year)
    • Electrical Engineering required choice of track – Electro-Physics or Systems & Data Science
      (decide by/during junior year)
    • Electrical Engineering optional concentration in Biomedical or Energy
    • Mechanical Engineering optional concentration in Aerospace
      (decide by end of freshmen/beginning of sophomore)

How do you plan your next classes?

  1. View your major curriculum check sheet. The check sheets include all requirements to graduate and notes about your curriculum tracks and engineering elective options. The course requirements are laid out as a four year plan starting from calculus I (Math 241) in prerequisite order on the check sheet.
    1. Declared Engineering students see your personal check sheet on the CoE advising site.
    2. Pre-Engineering students please see the check sheets for all of the different curriculum at the link below. View the one you are interested in pursuing.
  2. View your transcript in STAR and mark on your checksheet all the boxes of all the courses you have completed or in-progress to help you determine which courses are next on your check sheet.
  3. Check the Prerequisites for the courses you identified as next courses to take.
    1. Course prerequisites are listed in the course descriptions available in the UHM Catalog. You can look them up on the catalog website.
    2. If you do not meet the prereq requirement to take the course, you should be taking the prereq requirement course instead.
    3. Pay attention to prereq minimum grades requirements, if you get a C- or lower in a prereq that requires a C or better you will need to retake that course.
  4. Add up the credits for your next courses and determine the amount of credits you want to take next semester.
    1. 12 credits is the minimum for full time status.
    2. 19 credits is the maximum you can take in a semester.
    3. Talk to your advisor about balancing credit load. And which courses are recommended to stay on track if you need to take fewer courses.

Steps to Complete Mandatory Advising :
Follow the set of instructions that applies to your situation below

Continuing Engineering Student :

  1. Login to the CoE Advising Website:
  2. Click on “Edit current advising sheet” to generate a new form for the upcoming semester.
  3. Fill out the advising form with your current courses. And fill out the courses you think you may take next semester and list their prerequisites.
  4. If needed:
    1. Select track (depending on major and class standing),
    2. Select graduation date (if ready to graduate within next two semesters),
    3. Enter discrepancies you see in your records (check sheet or STAR errors)
  5. Hit submit to save your form.
  6. Discuss/Meet with your assigned advisor and have them approve your form to complete advising.

Changing majors within Engineering (ex. current CE major changing to ME major) :

  1. Login to the CoE Advising Website:
  2. Click on “Edit current advising sheet” to generate a new form for the upcoming semester.
  3. Fill out the advising form with your current courses. And fill out the courses you think you may take next semester and list their prerequisites.
  4. Hit submit to save your form.
  5. Discuss/Meet with a CoE academic advisor to change your major and go over your new curriculum/course schedule. Appointments

Changing majors outside of Engineering (changing to non-engineering major) :

  1. Find the contact for your new major’s advising office at the following website.
  2. Meet an advisor from your new major to fill out that college’s major change form and talk about which courses you should be taking next.
  3. Email CoE SAS Office at after you have met or scheduled your meeting with your new major advisor.
  4. If you would like to discuss staying in engineering or changing to another engineering major then feel free to schedule an appointment with an CoE academic advisor. Appointments


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