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At the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa College of Engineering, we are dedicated to providing a quality education, building excellence in research, and expanding outreach and service programs for the local community. Learn more by visiting our departments’ and research center’s websites listed below.



The Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering offers BS, MS and PhD degree programs in Civil & Environmental Engineering. These programs cover construction management, environmental and water resources engineering, geotechnical engineering, structural engineering, and transportation engineering.

Civil & Environmental Engineering Site



The Department of Electrical Engineering offers BS, MS, and PhD degree programs in Electrical Engineering. These programs cover electro-physics (solid-state devices and sensors, analog and digital circuit design, microwaves, and photonics), and systems (telecommunications, automatic controls, signal processing), while the MS and PhD programs also cover computers (architecture, algorithms, networking, hardware, and software). The Department also offers a BS degree program in Computer Engineering covering the hardware and software of computers.

Electrical Engineering Site



The Department of Mechanical Engineering offers BS, MS, and PhD degree programs in Mechanical Engineering. These programs cover thermofluids, mechanics and design, and materials.

Mechanical Engineering Site



The Hawai‘i Center for Advanced Communications is a center for multidisciplinary research in telecommunications technology, with joint research and educational activities that promote national and international collaboration and partnership with industry. College of Engineering faculty and students collaborate on HCAC research projects.

Hawai‘i Center for Advanced Communications Site


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