College’s first virtual Career Day well received by recruiters and students
The college held its first virtual Career Day on September 23rd, and by all accounts, it was a smashing success. This semi-annual career fair for engineering-related recruiters and students attracted over 450 students and 300 recruiters from 81 organizations. Over the course of the day, 2,000+ one-on-one chats were completed via text, audio, and video chats over the Brazen online platform.
Overwhelmingly positive feedback has prompted the college to already begin planning for another virtual fair in Spring (Feb. 24, 2021), with hopes to supplement it with a face-to-face element if conditions allow. “We’re thrilled to have received great feedback from both booth representatives and candidates, and look forward to making our Spring Career Day even better,” according to Kim Perez Hults, the fair’s principal organizer and Director of Marketing & Outreach Relations for the college.
The college’s industry partners were also pleased with the event. “We were well prepared as employers due to the time and support of UH staff, and are looking forward to providing rewarding opportunities for Honolulu’s next generation of engineers,” said City and County of Honolulu internship program coordinator Debby Nishimura.
Dean Brennon Morioka added, “This virtual Career Day event was an amazing way to connect our students with our industry partners during these ever changing times. While talking and engaging someone face to face is an irreplaceable experience, everyone seemed to adapt well to this virtual platform. We know our industry partners met with many well qualified students, but we also know this kind of networking event is an important learning moment for our students to help them grow and understand what they need to work on to continually improve. That is just the nature of our industry.”